media page

Welcome to the media library of the Quedlinburg Cathedral Treasury!

Here you will find videos, audios, pictures and texts about the Quedlinburg Cathedral Treasury. In addition, you will also find content about the church district of Halberstadt. We would like to tell you stories and thus bring you closer to places, works, processes and also people.


The media library is growing bit by bit - it is worthwhile to have a look here regularly!









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Our digital treasures

With heart and soul - Domschatz Quedlinburg - Sign language

Devotion and reverence, splendour and myth. A cathedral treasure is different from other treasures.

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Who worked at the collegiate school of Quedlinburg?

More than just an abbess - what offices existed in a ladies' convent?

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What was a day like in the collegiate school?

Did the women and girls actually only look out of the window? - No, there was a lot of learning and praying.

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Welcome to the nave of the collegiate church

We are here in a high Romanesque basilica. Basilica originally means market hall. This type of construction is characterized by the fact that the side…

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Was ist das auf dem Altar?

Die Dinge auf dem Altar sind in fast jeder Kirche gleich. Was hat es damit auf sich?

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unterwegs im Kirchenkreis - kleine Schätze

Wir haben uns kleine Kirchen angeschaut...

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Treasures in the church district - the youth meeting center Wernigerode

The Youth Meeting Center in Wernigerode is one of the treasures in the church district. Lina Klages gives us insights into the offers and…

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The Samuhel Gospels

The Samuhel Gospels in the Quedlinburg Cathedral Treasury is one of the most famous pieces in the collection.


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The nave of the Stifts|kirche - easy language

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The Laurentius Reliquary.

A small treasure object and its great importance not only for Quedlinburg. A technical text.

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The development of the Stiftsberg

Summary of the building history of the collegiate church of Quedlinburg

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The development of the organs in the collegiate church of Quedlinburg - an overview

If one reads the history of the organs in the collegiate church, one gets the feeling that there nearly always were discussions about building…

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The crypt - Memoria then and now

We will not be able to clarify exactly what reasons Henry I had for determining his burial place in Quedlinburg of all places. What we can say is that…

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The Catherine Reliquary

The Katharinenreliquiar in the Quedlinburger Schatz is a wonderfully preserved example of gilded drift work of the High Middle Ages.

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Stiftskirche St. Servatii - ein Video mit Gebärdensprache

Eine Videoführung durch die Kirche.

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Stiftskirche Panoramabilder

Kugelpanorama aus der Stiftskirche St. Servatii

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Reliquie, Lampe, Dekoration? – Der sogenannte Kana-Krug im Schatz der Quedlinburger Stiftskirche St. Servatii

ein Fachtext

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pure and clear - the rock crystals in the cathedral treasury Quedlinburg

The rock crystals in the Quedlinburg Cathedral treasury are very special pieces We learn about their history and use as reliquaries.

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open - the Wiperti gospel in the cathedral treasury Quedlinburg

What is a gospel? We could take a look inside.

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On the road in the church district - churches of Quedlinburg

Four Protestant churches of Quedlinburg.

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On the road in the church district - churches in Wernigerode and Osterwieck

We looked at churches.

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Memoria in the convent

The crypt and the commemoration of the dead in the Damenstift.

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Memoria at the Damenstift - Video with sign language

The Quedlinburg Ladies' Monastery was founded to commemorate the dead of Henry I and his family. We take a short look at the burial place and learn…

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Living Treasures - The Superintendent

Who oversees the church district? We visited Mr. Schilling in Halberstadt.

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Living treasures - the church musician

Who actually plays the organ? And who coaches the choir to peak performance? We visited the church musician Mr. Heinrich.

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Living treasures - community educator in Wernigerode

Who is committed to congregational pedagogy? We visited Mrs Klages in Wernigerode.

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Living treasures - Cemetery manager in Wernigerode

Who actually organizes a cemetery, helps people and sometimes just listens to them? We visited Mrs. Berwig-Holtzhauer in Wernigerode.

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Living treasures - a pastor

Who actually organises a young congregation, helps people in hospital and then also holds church services? We visited Mr Zentner in Quedlinburg.

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Listen! Because where your treasure is, there will also be your heart.

To listen to!

A cathedral treasure does not consist of coins, crowns and golden candlesticks. What is it actually? (a reading in German)


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Listen! A reading to the crypt

A text to listen to about the origin of the collegiate school. (a reading in German)

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Lebendige Schätze - die Gemeindesekretärin

Wer ordnet, sichert und sucht eigentlich die Einträge in den Kirchenbüchern? Wer ist das Bindeglied zwischen Gemeinde und Gemeindeleitung? Das…

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Inscriptions in the church - how to research?

Inscriptions give us clues of the history of a place or people. How do you research this?


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Hör mal! Die Speisung der 5000 - eine Lesung

Zum Zuhören.

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Growth in the cathedral treasury - When treasures change their place

Some pieces in the Quedlinburg Cathedral treasury were once housed in other institutions. In times of the Reformation, they came into the care of the…

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For where your treasure is, there will your heart be also.

The cathedral|treasure in easy language

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leichte Sprache

Die Schuke-Orgel in der Stiftskirche Quedlinburg

ein Klangbeispiel...

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Die Schuke Orgel der Stiftskirche Quedlinburg

Wir waren bei Umbauarbeiten an der Orgel dabei, konnten einen Blick hinein werfen und auch mal lauschen.

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Das Grab Heinrichs I. in der Krypta

Heinrich I. ist verschwunden. War das schon immer so? ein Fachtext

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Das Domschatzprojekt - Schüler lehren Schüler

Lebendige Bildung im Welterbe!

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Crypt - Remembering the dead then and now - Easy language

Text in easy language

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leichte Sprache

Cathedral Treasure Project 2021 - Students create graffiti

As part of the cathedral treasure project...

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Cathedral Treasure Project 2021 - Pupils teach pupils

The GutsMuths-Gymnasium Quedlinburg in cooperation with the cathedral treasury carried out a long prepared project week. There was much to experience…

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Cathedral treasure - to read

If you look around an ecclesiastical treasury, you will discover boxes and other vessels, as well as books, crosses and other objects. Most of them…

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Abbess Adelheid I in the crypt

What gravestones tell...

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